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Illustrator CC MasterClass – Yes I’m a Designer

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Identify when and how to obtain permission to use images of people and locations. Key Terms: model release, location release, etc. Demonstrate knowledge of digital image terminology. Demonstrate knowledge of how color is created in digital images. RGB vs. Communicate visually by using the elements and principles of design and common design techniques. Key Terms: font, size, style, color, alignment, kerning, tracking, leading, horizontal and vertical scale, line length, etc. Key Terms: aspect ratio, rule of thirds, foreground, background, color, tone, contrast, framing, depth of field, field of view, white balance, etc.
Official guidelines 2. Set appropriate document settings for printed and onscreen images. Create a new document preset to reuse for specific project needs. Identify and manipulate elements of the Photoshop interface. Key Concepts: Options bar, menus, panels, toolbar, artboards, etc. Organize and customize the workspace. Key Concepts: tabbed documents; showing, hiding, nesting, and docking panels; saving and resetting workspaces; shortcuts and menus; etc. Configure application preferences. Navigate a document.
Key Concepts: panning, zooming, rotating canvas, etc. Use rulers. Key Concepts: showing and hiding rulers, changing the measurement unit on rulers, etc. Use guides and grids. Open or import images from various devices. Key Concepts: file, camera, scanner, etc. Place assets in a Photoshop document. Key Concepts: embedded, linked, copy and pasted, etc.
Use the Adobe Camera Raw interface to import images. Set the active foreground and background color. Key Concepts: Color Picker, swatches, Eyedropper tool, hexadecimal value, etc. Create, customize, and organize gradients. Key Concepts: Gradient panel, editing color and transparency stops, gradient options i.
Create, edit, and organize swatches. Open, browse, and search libraries of included brushes, styles, and patterns. Create, use, edit, and organize brushes, styles, and patterns. Official guidelines 3. Use the Layers panel to manage visual content. Manage and organize layers in a complex project.
Key Concepts: renaming layers, creating layer groups, deleting empty layers, keeping the Layers panel organized, selecting, grouping vs. Recognize the different types of layers in the Layers panel.
Adjust a layer’s opacity, blending mode, and fill opacity. Create and edit masks. Nondestructive editing: Smart Objects, Smart Filters, and adjustment layers. Destructive editing: painting, adjustments, erasing, and rasterizing. Official guidelines 4. Create and edit raster images. Show what you know. Review the available versions and languages.
Download version. Official guidelines 1. Determine whether content is relevant to the purpose, the audience, and their needs. Key Terms: client goals, target audience, demographics, accessibility, etc. Key Terms: Email file size limits, compression, codec and architecture, input and output file formats, aspect ratio ii.
Demonstrate knowledge of techniques for communicating ideas about project plans with peers and clients. Key Terms: Pre-production: planning, shot list, script writing, storyboarding, design compositions or sketches, style guides, and animatics b.
Demonstrate knowledge of basic project management concepts. Identify legal and ethical considerations for using third-party content. Identify when and how to obtain permissions to use images, audio, or footage. Key Terms: model release, location permitting, property release, rights, permissions, licensing ii. Demonstrate knowledge of digital video and audio terminology. Demonstrate knowledge of how color is represented in digital video.
Key Concepts: Choosing the right color space c. Understand and use key terms related to video and audio post-production. Key Terms: editing, transitions, audio levels, waveforms, effects, etc. Demonstrate knowledge of common animation terms and principles. Key Terms: easing, squashing, stretching, anticipation, staging, straight-ahead action and pose-to-pose, follow through and overlapping action, slow in and slow out, arc, secondary action, timing, exaggeration, solid drawing, appeal, etc.
Demonstrate knowledge of standard compositing techniques. Key Terms: lighting, color, scale and perspective, working in 3D space, rotoscoping, masking, blending modes, match moving, etc.
Define common cinematic composition terms and principles. Key Terms: aspect ratio, rule of thirds, foreground, background, color, tone, contrast, cropping, depth of field, field of view, etc. Identify general design principles and guidelines for motion graphics. Official guidelines 2. Choose appropriate project settings to meet requirements.
Create and modify compositions to match the delivery requirements. Key Concepts: frame rate, resolution, duration, dimensions, aspect ratio, presets, adjusting the work area, background color, naming compositions, composition from footage, etc. Identify, navigate, and manipulate elements of the After Effects interface. Key Concepts: menus, toolbars, panels, navigating, and zooming, search within panels, etc.
Customize and manage workspaces. Configure application preferences. Controlling and working with the timeline and media. Key Concepts: panning, zooming, playing, pausing, keyboard shortcuts spacebar, mouse wheel, etc. Use markers. Key Concepts: composition timeline and layer clip markers c. Use guides and grids. Import media from various sources. Key Concepts: compatible files, importing layers from Photoshop.
Key Concepts: finding, replacing, and reloading linked media files; interpretingfootage; organizing assets using folders, placeholders, metadata, etc. Official guidelines 3. Recognize the different types of layers in the Timeline panel. Key Layer Types: footage, text, solid, shape, camera, adjustment, light, null object, and pre-comp b.
Adobe illustrator cc 2018 masterclass free
Yes, you can! Upon completing this course you will receive a certificate to mark /5460.txt achievement and to help you demonstrate mastering Adobe Illustrator. In this masterclass. One Comment. Corbin John.
Adobe illustrator cc 2018 masterclass free –
Much fewer advanced trainings, high chance of no added value. No real progression here just an endless library of promising course titles. If you find a good channel and already have solid grounds you may find great inspiration. You can tie your fee to your XP level paying month-to-month. Live, classroom-based training is the most expensive option by far. Marketplaces are cheap but there is little quality control. Nothing is really free, you pay in time of searching pieces of info.
Insider tips, design principles covered in great detail, by a highly accomplished designer and veteran instructor. Progress at the pace of the group, little time to cover more than how-to-do skills,. Anyone can upload a course on any subject, there are some really good teachers, but most keep their prime content to their own site.
There is so much content it is hard to tell, you need to know exactly what you are looking for to find the gems. Some niche application or exotic subjects are not covered, but all that a graphic- or motion designer needs.
There is far less variety and levels, depending on where you live there might be none. These marketplaces have a huge library favor courses you might find exotic subjects also but it’s not easy to spot bad quality.
The opposite, you will be shown a great lot of distractions and click-baits that you don’t need. Great engaged student community, fast email support. Live help during the training with some follow up, but you can’t hold the class for long.
Usually at this price there is little help in short answers if any at all. The search algorithm is your best bet, in smaller channels you may get short answers. Insider tips, career advice, portfolio friendly project briefs and exercises, student collaborations. For working in-house, sometimes the certificate from a reputable training center is enough.
You might find tips or content on the subject in general, but beyond that you are on your own. No credibility of a formal training, no curation or expiry date on content, very high risk of finding bad advice that take you off track. Share this page with your friends and help them reach their creative potential!
Yes, you can! We provide customer support to all of our students and premium support to our Pro Members. We aim to respond to all questions within 24 hours and provide bespoke feedback on assignment submissions by Pro Member students.
They are organised into folders based on the chapters in the course and they are great for practising all the techniques demonstrated in this course. Most files are backward compatible and will work in older version of Adobe Illustrator. There are 9 interactive quizzes included in this course, each with 20 multiple-choice questions.
There is one test at the end of each chapter. They will help you fully understand every aspect of the subject you are learning and great for finding weak areas you may need to go back and work through again. Upon completing this course you will receive a certificate to mark your achievement and to help you demonstrate mastering Adobe Illustrator.
The course certificate will include your name , the date of completion and the instructor’s name, qualifications and signature.
This course can be accessed on any desktop and mobile device as long as you have a stable Internet connection. Video lessons are only available online, while exercise files can be downloaded and used offline downloads will only work on desktop PC or Mac computers. Martin Perhiniak. Martin is a graphic designer and an Adobe Certified Instructor. He was a presenter at Adobe MAX the ultimate creative in and was recently voted one of the top 10 Adobe instructors in the world.
Over , students are studying from his online courses from over countries. Illustrator MasterClass. Why learn Illustrator? Who is this course for? What’s included? Adobe ACA Exam prep guide. Adobe Certified course. In this masterclass. You will receive a certificate upon finishing course signed by Adobe Certified Instructor:. Plus Membership. Unlimited access to all of our MasterClass level courses.
Monthly Payment Plan. What is Included. Choose quality in learning. Total cost in a Year. Depth of knowledge you gain. Finding exactly what you need. Getting help when you are stuck. Career advancement. For freelancing there is little help. Over , students has taken this best-selling course over so far What are you waiting for?
Join our growing creative community and have fun learning! Share 0. Tweet 0. Pin 0. What do I need to start the course? It is recommended to have an active Creative Cloud account to be able to use the latest version of Adobe Illustrator CC while studying from this course. A pen tablet is NOT required, a mouse is sufficient enough. Martin has been voted to become one of the best 10 dobe teachers in the world by student comments. Your email address will not be published.
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. March 15, 1. Related Articles. One Comment. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Check Also. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Telegram.
Udemy Illustrator CC Master Class : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.
Martin is a graphic designer and an Adobe Certified Instructor. They help you identify the areas you feel most and least confident in. Both Martin graphic design and Ozgur motion graphics are renowned masters of their field, and among the best Adobe Certified Instructors globally. Share this page with your friends and help them reach their creative potential! Illustrator MasterClass. If you want to learn Illustrator, you have found the right course. If you are new to Adobe Illustrator, this is the course you need to kick start your graphic design career.